Taking recipes from a box to a cookbook that is ready to sell. Let’s take a look at printing a cookbook vs publishing. Knowing what this means can help you get a plan in place to make your cookbook a reality.
Definition of Cookbook Printing
Placing written content from an author or publisher into a publication form. Basically, book printing is simply taking someone’s writing or in our case recipes, putting them together and printing them in a book format. Some printers offer layout services where others may work with print ready files only.
Definition of Cookbook Publishing
The activity of preparing and issuing books, and other materials for sale. – Anyone can be a publisher simply by getting a book ready to sell and then selling. Professional publishers usually have authors sign a contract. Then the publisher is responsible for the layout of the book, having a printer print the books, storage, marketing and selling of the books. In exchange for those services the publisher holds the rights to the book and the author will be given a royalty.
Things to Consider in Cookbook Printing vs Publishing
- You can print a cookbook and never publish it. This is typical with family cookbooks where just enough copies are printed for the family.
- It is possible to publish a book without an outside publisher assisting you. Many individuals, groups and businesses create cookbooks to sell. They work with a designer or directly with a printer to format and print the book then start selling them. There are many ways to promote books and have them sell successfully. The author in this case is responsible for all of the cost for printing the book but they also will enjoy all the profits from the book rather than a small royalty.
- Publishers can take care of details about how to get the books printed and take that concern away from the author. As an author you will need to sign a contract with the publisher and in most cases you will sign the rights to your book over to them and receive a royalty. Be aware of any contracts you sign and read the fine print. Some publishers may require the author to put in time for promoting the book and may have them sign over their copyright. If working with a publisher make sure you are comfortable with what they offer.
Cookbook Specialists – Quality Cookbook Printer
Cookbook Specialists is a printer. We assist people in putting together and printing high quality, affordable cookbooks. We also offer a variety of printing services including other types of books, journals, and planners. Business printing and personal printing of invitations, postcards, letterheads, envelopes and such are also available.
We can provide you with information and resources to make self-publishing easy and profitable. Our informational blog provides many keys for marketing success. Take advantage of a free high resolution PDF poster of your cookbook. Cookbook Specialists can assist with a complete line of business correspondence to match your cookbook! Consider business cards, shopping list pads and letterhead that are all branded to match.
For more information
Check out the Cookbook Love podcast by Maggie Green – Episode 104: The Difference Between Cookbook Publishing and Cookbook Printing