Jeanne Christensen

Jeanne Christensen


Jeanne Christensen, started working for Jumbo Jack’s in 1997 as a press operator. From the press room she moved into the PrePress Department, the “jack-of-all-trades” department. Soon, various other jobs were added, such as payroll, IT, typesetting and bindery. Eventually that morphed into General Manager. She loves every part of her job. There is always something new happening and she is constantly learning new things, which proves to her that no matter how old she gets, she can still learn! And thanks to Sheri and her crew, the merger with Cookbook Specialists in 2021 went very smoothly. It has been a very positive move for all involved and she still loves every part of her job!

On a personal note Jeanne says, “I live in Audubon with my husband and our toy poodle, Buddy. The rest of our family (my husband’s son, wife and daughter) live in southern Colorado, so we try to get out there as often as possible to see them.”